Our lawyers will help you obtain the property that by law are entitled to

The death of a family member, in addition to mean a serious loss that entails a great emotional pain, also involves a series of questions and circumstances in regards to the fate of the property and rights of the deceased person, for example,? How will there be distributed heritage if there is no Testament?, where to look if it is believed that our family drew up Testament?, is it possible to revoke a will? , Who will manage the assets while not assigned these to the heirs?, how is accountable for this administration?, among other issues.

Therefore, it is essential to have legal advice appropriate, in order to protect the family estate and obtain, if necessary, an fair and adequate sharing of goodsOur lawyers can support you this on several forms, for example: solicitor to draw up a will in which choose their successors and specify the part of assets that will be awarded to his death, or by using legal strategies to to exercise their right to certain property of a defunct family, where these apply.

Our law firm is a specialist in:inheritance planning uk

To) inheritance in life. We offer you strategies so you can transmit your heritage in life.

B) inheritance, probate, Testamentary succession or intestacy.

A) inheritance in life: transmits your heritage in life.

We offer a comprehensive Plan to transmit your heritage to your loved ones in a safe manner.

  • Foresee and prevent family problems later.
  • Avoid excessive tax burdens.
  • To plan your future and the destiny of your heritage.

(B) testamentary succession. Intestamentaria succession or intestacy.

B.1) probate.

Hereditary succession is the legal figure that occurs once it dies a person, passing on their heritage and can be done over all his goods, calling it as an inheritanceor on certain goods, to what is called legacy.

Inheritance are all things that a person leaves at death. The word “things” may refer to money, a House, land, a building, jewelry, objects of art, cars, business, income, actions, etc. There are people who died, have debts; These also form part of a heritage, and will have to pay the same inheritance.

The Testamentary succession occurs when a person has of their property and rights through a Last Will and TestamentA will is a document that a person gives before dying, pointing to who leaves her things, and what part or proportion leaves to each person.

The disposition of the assets mentioned in the Testament, both by the heirs as the by legatees, can only be done after the death of the author of the inheritance, and it must go before a judge to start a probate probate.

B.2) Intestamentaria succession or intestacy.

Occurs when a person before he died, he did not Testamentor having done, for some reason it become invalid wholly or in part. It may also be that someone has made a will, but it did not include all its heritage. The part not included, is an intestacy.

In an wills succession or intestate, the disposition of the goods or things of a person can only be done after his death, and must go before a judge to start a probate Intestate.